Through conferences, seminars and written and oral statements, IBREA FOUNDATION contributes to the UN ECOSOC agendas related to health, mental well-being, development, youth, poverty, and peace — among other topics that are relevant to IBREA’s mission. We also invite the Permanent Country Missions to the UN to consider the implementation of IBREA’s program to different beneficiary groups such as government officials, health professionals, and educators in their respective countries, as a practical contribution towards the local implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our projects in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and El Salvador where initiated through an agreement between IBREA FOUNDATION and the Permanent Country Missions of those countries to the UN.

Below you can read IBREA FOUNDATION’s written statements approved by the UN Economic and Social Council on various topics, and see a list of our events at the UN Headquarters since 2000.

IBREA Written Statements

1. Women Empowerment Click here

2. Implementing the UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) Click here

3. Poverty Eradication Click here

4. Supporting local authorities for the implementation of the UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) Click here

5. Inclusiveness and Equality Click here

IBREA Conferences at the UN

FEB 13, 2024

Eradicating Poverty: The Importance of the Mindset

[Watch video]

AUG 8, 2019

Peace and the Human Brain

AUG 10, 2018

Energy Efficiency. From systems to individuals

AUG 8, 2017

Youth Resilience for Successful Implementation of the UN SDGs

JAN 18, 2017

Poverty Eradication and Mental Wellbeing

AUG 3, 2016

Youth Mental Wellbeing for Successful Implementation of the SDGs

JAN 12, 2016

Brain-based Holistic Education to address Inequality Challenges faced by Women and girls Globally

JAN 26, 2015

Fostering a culture of peace and violence prevention in the classroom. Holistic education as an SDG enabler in Latin America and the Caribbean

OCT 8, 2013

Side-event of the UN General Assembly in 2013: Brain Education as a tool contributing to the creation of cultures of peace around the world

JAN 8, 2013

Applied neuroscience and the MDGs. Unleashing the human brain’s capacity to address challenges in the developing world. Case studies in El Salvador and Liberia

JAN 12, 2012

Brain Education as a tool to help alleviate poverty and promote equality

OCT 5, 2011

Side-event of the UN General Assembly in 2011 together with the Permanent Mission of El Salvador to the UN: Brain Education in El Salvador.

JAN 7, 2011

Education for All. Promoting the Six Education for All goals through Brain Education

MAY 13, 2010

Brain, Technology and Mental Health

MARCH 11, 2010

Side-event at the CSW54: Empowering Women through Brain Education

JULY 6, 2009

ECOSOC side-event: Promoting Mental Health in the Context of Global Public Health

AUG 31, 2000

UN Millennium World Peace Summit. Ilchi Lee reads his Prayer of Peace to world leaders and sets his mind to create IBREA as an operational arm for creating global peace.